Ed, It's been awhile since we talked. It's been a busy season of life, I know. You are many things to many people, but I'm glad you've found the time to rest and reflect. I want to share with you a bit of encouragement. First of all, I want to say thank you. Thank you for not giving up on me. I know at times at I made it difficult to love me. You had every opportunity and every reason to move on and forget about me; but you didn't. You stayed. You prayed. You pushed me out of the way of danger and picked me up when I fell. When I refused to believe you, you turned my attention to Jesus. Thank you. Next I want to remind you that I'm here for you. Don't look in the mirror and forget my reflection. You were there for me and now it's my turn to return the favor. As you enter this new season of life, I know you feel the uncertainty, but fear not brother. Lean into God's presence and let go of your o...