I lost him today. Can still feel his absence As his life slipped away No words to pray Knowing the day would come Still not sure what to say Or even what to feel Could this real? How do you mourn someone you weren't incredibly close to? And yet I grieved as if I'm supposed to Fast forward How fast the years go by It's not easier but still I try To honor him properly Though the ashes fly Still miss my absent father I can't lie No grave or tombstone to place the roses by Just the rose in my heart that will never die
My journey to Montgomery Alabama actually began unexpectedly. Last Spring, I was preparing my lesson plans for my eighth graders. The subject: “What is the purpose of government?” The sub topic for that day was Justice. From a biblical perspective and in light of our nation’s history, how should a Christian define justice? As a Black man teaching predominately white students at a Christian school, God has called me to teach my students not simply from the text, but from a more culturally diverse perspective; to offer insight which opens dialog as well as provides a window into a world that is starkly different from their own, my world. So, in my search for depth of understanding the meaning of justice, I discovered a Ted Talk by Bryan Stevenson entitled “We need to talk about an injustice”. In it, Mr. Stevenson shared a number of things: “We have a system of justice in (the US} that treats you much better if you’re rich and guilty tha...