Imagine yourself among the crowd of people waiting with anxious anticipation, to hear the words of this strange miracle man named Jesus. You see him find a suitable place on the mountainside and sits down before you. His appearance doesn't overwhelm you, in fact he looks like kind of ordinary. The "rumors" you've heard of him disappearing in a crowd don't seem all that spectacular to you. But maybe that's part of the reason why people are so drawn to him. He's not trying to impress you, but yet he does, somehow. You've heard how the Pharisees antagonize him and attempt to lure him into winless debates, in hopes to discredit him. But his simple wisdom and authority over the Scriptures leaves them befuddled and speechless. And that wasn't even his point! This man is a speaker Truth and is motivated by love, not by the applause or the approval of the people. You sense that God is about to speak and it makes your heart tremble a little, because his words will change your life. Imagine you're unable to keep your hands dry and you feel a bead of sweat roll down your back as this man Jesus prepares to deliver a sermon that will terrify you and comfort you at the same time. Imagine hearing the Beatitudes for the very first time.
I've always had big feet. It's true. There was never a moment in my childhood when my feet were not an object of frustration and ridicule. And those "dogs" were all over the place, facing the wrong direction, tripping over themselves, tripping over coffee tables, desks, chairs, other people. It was embarrasing. Watching my step was a full time job. Since becoming a man, I've mastered my former oppressors (my size 14's) and you would hardly noticed my attention to detail. However, today, at 40, I'm still watching my step. With so much experience and success with walking and watching my step, I've discovered that the same is true in my spiritual life as well. I haven't always watched my step in life and of course, it resulted in me finding myself in all kinds of traps, snares and dead ends. I've spent years tripping over my sinful habits and walking down dirt roads that lead to nowhere. To no one's blame but my own. After experiencin...
I like it sweetie. Keep up the writing. I felt like I was there.