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Showing posts from May, 2010

Father's Cost

a moment for each and every one of you is when love stands right in front of you and demands what you gonna do what would you do or wanna do? at the benchmark of your life there's a precious point of light that pierces through the night and somehow illuminates the plight God created man's history and fulfilled the prophets' mystery he who profits from our misery will weep at the Final Symphony but why would He die just to know me? be showered in spit just to show me that his love for me begins my story and should be told for all His glory and if not for the cross we would devalue the cost but yet the cost of the cross could never be paid by the lost

Why At Times I Don't Believe

"I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!" Mark 9:24 There are things about God that I believe without question. His saving power, for one, the life, death and ressurrection of Jesus Christ are just a few truths that I hold without any doubt whatsoever. The biblical truths that we all benefit from, I have no problem embracing and believing. The areas of unbelief for me have always been personal. That's not to say I don't have a personal faith. I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ that has given me so much joy, grace , mercy and peace! But I have to admit that when it comes to any struggle with unbelief, it has always been in my personal faith. Like the father in distress over his demon-possessed son, I believe that Jesus is able to heal, but there is a hint of doubt in his plea found in Mark 9:21 "If you can do anything, take pity on us and help us." Jesus detected the doubt as well. "If you can?", Jesus restated. Why do I struggle w...