The other day, I got really thirsty. It was hot...everywhere, and I wanted a drink. I decided to break my own rules of drinking water. I wanted a soft drink, my favorite soft drink. I wanted a coke. So I went out and got me one, a large one. Easy ice, because they put too much ice in my fountain drinks at McDonald's. I had me a coke. And ain't gonna lie, it was good. I almost sucked half of it in one swallow. Before I made it back home, I was shaking a large empty cup. And I was more thirsty than I was before. On top of that, my stomach was swollen, filled with 32 ounces of coke-a-cola. Although I had a cold drink, my body was not satisfied. My body was still thirsty. Eventually I went to my frig and fixed me a cold glass of water. It was the best water I ever tasted.
I wondered how many times did I do this spiritually. My soul is thirsty for God but I go out of my way to try to quench my thirst with artificial flavors, looking for a quick fix; only to find myself even more thirsty than I was before.
"O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you in a dry and weary land where there is no water." Psalm 63:1
God is like a cold glass of water on hot August day. He quenches the thirst of those who cup their hands and drinks from His streams. A thirsty soul will never be refreshed by anything less than the drink of His fountain. (A lesson I've learned the hard way) I thirst.
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