I was thinking this weekend about how long it's been since it rained on Planet Texas. I was thinking of the many prayers for rain. My prayers as well as the prayers of many. Then Saturday afternoon, around 2:45, the rain came down. Where was I when my prayers were fulfilled? I'm thankful to say to that I was with my kids, driving down the street on my way to an afternoon volleyball game, singing to the radio with the windows down. I'm thankful because, this time I can say, that I when God showed up, I was not involved in sin and selfishness. I'm grateful that I didn't miss it; that I didn't miss the blessing. You see, if you never prayed for rain and it finally came, chances are, you wouldn't be impressed by it. You may be relieved like the rest of us, but because there was no investment, there will be no praise or acknowledgment of God's blessing. That's a sad reality where a lot of people exist, blind to the everyday miracles that God provides. But what if you did pray for rain, and when it finally came, but you missed it because you were in the middle of doing something destructive and selfish? Or mean and hateful? To me that's worst than not praying for rain at all. It's sad to say, but I've missed a lot of blessings in my life. So when I see His Spirit moves around me and through me, I'm grateful. I'm thankful to be alive! We sang all the way down the road. I couldn't even tell you what silly song we were singing! Where were you rain came down?
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