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Are You Loved or Put Up With?

     When I choose to tolerate you, I have already drawn an imaginary line between us that constantly moves depending on how much I can "put up with" that day.  When I choose  to love you, that line becomes a ruler that's measured against the height, width and depth of the love that God has for me.  The more I appreciate what it took for God's grace to love me, the more I am compelled to share this love with people of whom I have nothing in common.  You don't have to earn my approval to receive my love.  Let's disagree and debate under the umbrella of love and respect.  The kind of love that breaks the chains of slavery, fear and hatred; the kind of love that sent a servant KING to the cross.  I fail at this love everyday, but I will not take the easy road of tolerance.  The only things I wish to tolerate are my milk products. 

      I understand that this love is supernatural and holy spiritual.  Not everyone has apprehended this kind of love that is empowered by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  But that doesn't give me an excuse to not love people.  In fact, I'm more responsible and held accountable for how I treat the people around me.  At the end of the day, I hope that all people regardless of personal beliefs, worldviews, political affiliation or even sport allegiance can say "Ed disagreed with me, but he listened to me and he never stopped loving me."  Equally, I hope I can at least say of you, "our views may have made us opposites, but our hearts made us friends." Put aside for a moment the enormous number of Facebook friends you have accumulated and ask yourself a simple question: "Are you loved or put up with?"


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