For the longest, whenever I would prepare to share my relationship with God, I would search for the miracle moments that I've experienced. Those moments when God intervened in some supernatural way and either rescued me from eminent danger or dramatically changed the course of my life in an answered prayer. Those moments I felt needed to be shared to build a person's faith or inspire a person to push through the doubt and despair he or she may be experiencing. I thank God for the miracle moments, because they were bench marks in my life, reminding me of God's loving faithfulness. However, as with every long lasting relationship, it's not just about the holidays and special occassions. Those days are beautiful and bring with them warm memories and exciting times, but it's the daily grind of everyday life that produces the depth of love that we all long for. We don't marry a person just to share birthdays and holidays with, but our everyday lives. The days that are not documented by photographs, gifts and celebrations are just as important. One can make a strong argument that they are even more important.
I confess that I don't share a lot of my ordinary days because they are not very impressive. My early morning coffees with Jesus just doesn't move the crowd. But is that what it's all about? Some of us don't share our "testimonies" because we feel like we don't have one. I've never been incarcerated or in a gang or on drugs. I don't have any "Christian street cred". My life is mostly made up of days that don't come to a crashing, exploding end, like some summer blockbuster movie. It's filled with days of working, listening and providing a stable life for family; spending time and making time to invest in people and recieving that investment from others. The miracle moments are special because Jesus shows up in the ordinary days and spends time with me. May be I need to share my very human experiences with God more often. Like when I don't feel like being patient or compassionate because I'm too busy being annoyed I didn't get my way. Or the times when I'm sitting in traffic thinking "this is so stupid" when God is probably thinking "hey, finally we have some unexpected time to hang out". So at the risk of boring you to tears or curing you of insomnia, my goal is to share more of those ordinary days when I'm having breakfast or coffee with Jesus and he reminds me of something that makes me laugh. Or when I'm selfishly praying for myself and he brings up your name in the middle of my monologue.
"Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world not have room for the books that would be written." John 21:25
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