The fear, the anger, the lust, lure and abuse of power, the thirst and hunger for violence, the socialism, classism, the racism and humanism doesn't just fester in "foreign countries" or in science fiction movies, but in our safe places, gated communities, places of worship, strong holds, even in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. I have to do more than hashtag my anger or cut and paste a famous quote or Scripture out of context. I have to be more than a nice guy in a mean world. I honestly have no fast acting pain reliever for these open wounds. All I have is a soul that is tired, so to my Heavenly Father I surrender. I surrender my personal, my parental fear, my comfort zone, my pride, my biases, my lust, my social anxiety every time I'm in a place where my race is out numbered and even when I'm in places where my race is the majority, and yes I surrender even my own selfish desire to live in a world that I can rule and control. I surrender all. But one thing I will not surrender to is the Enemy that starts the fire of hatred in our hearts and applauds when we have burned down our own homes. No. I choose to declare victory in Jesus' Name over him. So, to you the reader of this essay, I ask for forgiveness in advance for the times when my own sin nature trespasses in your perfectly cut yard. I will fail you. I will you disappoint you. And in return, I offer you my grace when you crush me, accuse me or attempt to take from me that which is not yours to posses. Regardless of where you are with God or not, I hope we all can agree that if we don't choose to celebrate life, death will congratulate us all.
I've always had big feet. It's true. There was never a moment in my childhood when my feet were not an object of frustration and ridicule. And those "dogs" were all over the place, facing the wrong direction, tripping over themselves, tripping over coffee tables, desks, chairs, other people. It was embarrasing. Watching my step was a full time job. Since becoming a man, I've mastered my former oppressors (my size 14's) and you would hardly noticed my attention to detail. However, today, at 40, I'm still watching my step. With so much experience and success with walking and watching my step, I've discovered that the same is true in my spiritual life as well. I haven't always watched my step in life and of course, it resulted in me finding myself in all kinds of traps, snares and dead ends. I've spent years tripping over my sinful habits and walking down dirt roads that lead to nowhere. To no one's blame but my own. After experiencin...
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