We are a "get there" culture of people. "Are we there yet" is not a question, but an expectation that demands an answer. But in midst of getting there and a preoccupation with the destination, we have missed a miracle. The mystical is lost. We lost the power of the mystery, while grasping at spoilers. Our wonder is on the milk carton. I must be intentional about the process, because I too am impatient. If want to savor life, I must appreciate its every taste and bite. When I am tired of the drive and making "good time" is more important that "the time" I devalue the lesson my Jesus is teaching me. If I hope to receive the present, I must first "be present". Because more times than not, the journey is just as important as the destination.
I've always had big feet. It's true. There was never a moment in my childhood when my feet were not an object of frustration and ridicule. And those "dogs" were all over the place, facing the wrong direction, tripping over themselves, tripping over coffee tables, desks, chairs, other people. It was embarrasing. Watching my step was a full time job. Since becoming a man, I've mastered my former oppressors (my size 14's) and you would hardly noticed my attention to detail. However, today, at 40, I'm still watching my step. With so much experience and success with walking and watching my step, I've discovered that the same is true in my spiritual life as well. I haven't always watched my step in life and of course, it resulted in me finding myself in all kinds of traps, snares and dead ends. I've spent years tripping over my sinful habits and walking down dirt roads that lead to nowhere. To no one's blame but my own. After experiencin...
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