When I discover, I come alive. My soul is awakened from its predictable slumber and a shock runs through my veins! I can hardly breathe, but I can't look away. I am captivated, taken by surprise by something fearfully beautiful. When I discover, I am called to worship God. Though I marvel at His handiwork, I am compelled to seek follow His trail, seek His footprint. All the while I am terrified with wonder and graciously invited. I want to take in that moment, be present in His presence. When I discover, I can hear His bare feet crunching over the mountain snow. I can feel His breath in the cool morning breeze. I can hear His voice in the strong currents of streams, calling out to me, inviting me to walk with Him and create something that was inspired by what I discovered.
I've always had big feet. It's true. There was never a moment in my childhood when my feet were not an object of frustration and ridicule. And those "dogs" were all over the place, facing the wrong direction, tripping over themselves, tripping over coffee tables, desks, chairs, other people. It was embarrasing. Watching my step was a full time job. Since becoming a man, I've mastered my former oppressors (my size 14's) and you would hardly noticed my attention to detail. However, today, at 40, I'm still watching my step. With so much experience and success with walking and watching my step, I've discovered that the same is true in my spiritual life as well. I haven't always watched my step in life and of course, it resulted in me finding myself in all kinds of traps, snares and dead ends. I've spent years tripping over my sinful habits and walking down dirt roads that lead to nowhere. To no one's blame but my own. After experiencin...
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