Before last summer, my wife and I sat
down and dreamed out loud. We wanted to
take our family on road trip, a real vacation.
Our oldest son was about to graduate form high school. We were preparing to serve at a Christian
camp for kids after the school year ended. We were definitely going to need a
time of rest and relaxation. So we
prayed and hoped that God would be gracious to us. Our prayers were answered when some friends
of ours offered to let our family spend a week in their condo in Estes Park
Colorado. All we needed was a means to
get there and food for the week. We were
overjoyed! After my son’s graduation and our camp week, we loaded up the family
and drove to Colorado!
I still can’t believe we did it! My wife and I took turns driving. We drove in shifts until we were both so
tired that we couldn’t go any farther.
The kids sat in the back, laughed, ate sacks and napped when ever they
got tired. I played my collection of road music by Earth, Wind and Fire, Cameo,
John Legend and Cold Play. (to name a
few) We drove through Oklahoma with
excitement, knowing that we were getting closer to Colorado. I felt so grateful
the whole time. I’m sure a lot of
families get to travel and see all kinds of cool places. But I’ve never been able to take my kids to
places I haven’t or they haven’t seen before in person.
I’ve seen mountains before. But until I saw them in person, I realized
that I hadn’t experienced the mountains before.
Este Park Colorado is the most beautiful place I’ve ever been. It was my wife’s time to drive when we were
approaching our destination. I remember
we were all tired but still looking around, like “This is so cool.” We were just looking around until my wife
makes this curve and the mountains just
seems to open up to us! It was breath
taking! I never felt so small before. Everything looked so huge and open. We all knew that we were about to discover
something truly amazing.
When I discover, I come alive. My soul
is awakened from its predictable slumber and a shock runs through my veins! I can
hardly breathe, but I can't look away. I am captivated, taken by surprise
by something fearfully beautiful. When I discover, I am called to worship
God. Though I marvel at His handiwork, I am compelled to seek follow His trail,
seek His footprint. All the while I am terrified with wonder and
graciously invited. I want to take in that moment, be present in His
presence. When I discover, I can hear His bare feet crunching over the
mountain snow. I can feel His breath in the cool morning breeze. I
can hear His voice in the strong currents of streams, calling out to me,
inviting me to walk with Him and create something that was inspired by what I
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