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Day Eight: The Random Movie List

Day 8: The Random Movie List

1.  mary poppins
2.  the passion of the Christ
3.  the fellowship of the ring
4.  the two towers
5. the return of the king
6.  star wars a new hope
7.  the empire strikes back
8. the return of the jedi
9.  moonraker
10. dr. no
11. goldfinger
12. from Russia with love
13.  flash Gordon
14. superman the movie
15. superman II
16. Indiana jones: the raiders of the lost ark
17. Indiana jones the temple of doom
18.  Indiana jones: the last crusade
19.  for your eyes only
20.  back to the future
21.  back to the future part two
22.  back to the future part three
23.  ghostbusters
24.  batman
25.  batman begin
26.  the dark knight
27.  rise of the dark knight
28.  blazing saddles
29.  night of the living dead
30. zorro the gay blade
31.  the legend of zorro
32.  the princess bride
33.  the xmen
34.  forest gump
35.  star trek the motion picture
36.  star trek II the wrath of Kahn
37.  star trek III in search of spock
38.  iron man
39.  captain America
40.  goodfellas
41.  do the right thing
42. Malcolm x
43.  the green mile
44.  the matrix
45. the matrix reloaded
46.  the matrix revolutions
47.  taken
48.  no country for old men
49.  training day
50. the book of eli
52.  the pelican brief
53.  glory
54.  mo better blues
55. gladiator
56.  the road
57. men in black
58.  purple rain
59. under the cherry moon
60. graffiti bridge
61.  the fish that saved pitsburg
62.  dirty harry
63.  shaft
64. live and let die
65. lets do it again
66.  life
67.  the prince of Egypt
68.  the lion king
69.  toy story
70. toy story II
71. toy story III
72. gotham knight
73.  the outsiders
74.  jumanji
75.  nightmare on elm street
76. pee wee’s big adventure
77.  the x files: fight the future
78.  the little mermaid
79.  dick tracy
80.  die hard
81. the predator
82.  a Bronx tale
83. the godfather
84.  airplane
85.  the naked gun
86. the naked gun II
87.  teen wolf
88.  American werewolf in London
89.  fasttimes at ridgemont high
90. the last American virgin
100.  smokey and the bandit
101. blade runner
102. mad max
103. the road warriors
104.  the swamp thing
105.  who framed roger rabbit?
106.  tomorrow never dies
107.  excaliber
108.  robin hood: prince of hood
109.  robin hood
110.  the great mouse detective
111.  Sherlock holms
112.  the sixth sense
113.  the village
114.  unbreakable
115.  frequency
116.  out of time
117.  the equalizer
118.  firefox
119.  a fist full of dollars
120.  the good the bad and the ugly
121.  the outlaw josey wales
121. 3:10 to zuma
122. troy
123. ocean’s eleven
124. ocean’s twelve
125. ocean’s thirteen
126.  meet the parents
127.  meet the fockers
128.  the iron giant
129.  boyz n the hood
130.  the watchmen
131. greystoke the legend of tarzan


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